Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Looking for a new Hooch

Two months ago, we had to put our beloved boxer, Hooch, to sleep. He had cancer and an infection and he was quite old for a boxer at 11. Our decision was made simple by his suffering. Boxers, as a breed, love to please their people. So he was quite stoic until the end. When he stopped sleeping, we knew it was time. The Mr and I were able to be with him as our very compassionate vet put him to sleep.

A friend told me to wait a year before getting another dog and I have been trying to keep her advice in mind. I just don't think I can do it, though. This home needs a dog. There is a big hole in our lives without him.

I am not going to try to find a dog like Hooch - that way leads to heartache. I can hope for another dog with a playful, hopeful spirit like his. But I am really hoping the dog that finds us is maybe a little calmer. Hooch never really got used to having his number one position usurped by 2 babies and tolerated the children only. It would be nice to have a dog that enjoys the children and that is a playmate for them.

We are looking at a couple of different rescues local to us. This one and this one. Hopefully by fall we will have a new rescued boxer to love!

1 comment:

Leigh said...

Our nightmare doberman, Sophie, came from a rescue group. Even with all of her strange, highstrung habits, I don't regret adopting her, and am glad we gave her a good home, for however long she is with us. Plus her boundless love for all people has given a few folks a new way to look at a sometimes-scary breed. Best of luck to you; keep us updated!!